GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)
GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)~GdPicture14_namespace / SegmentationMode Enumeration

In This Topic
SegmentationMode Enumeration
In This Topic
Specifies different modes of the segmentation process.
Public Enum SegmentationMode 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum SegmentationMode : System.Enum 
public enum SegmentationMode = class(System.Enum)
public enum SegmentationMode extends System.Enum
__value public enum SegmentationMode : public System.Enum 
public enum class SegmentationMode : public System.Enum 
ConnectedComponents40 Finds bounding boxes of 4-connected components using the Paul Heckbert's stack-based seed fill algorithm. Each detected box is stored within a block.
ConnectedComponents81 Finds bounding boxes of 8-connected components using the Paul Heckbert's stack-based seed fill algorithm. Each detected box is stored within a block.
PageLayout2 Identifies page's layout and stores the result into blocks, paragraphes, lines, words and characters.
WordLayout3 Identifies word's layout in a region of Interest, according to a specified string value, and stores the result into a block, a paragraph, a line, a word and characters.
WordLayoutLK4 Identifies word's layout, according a specified string value, and stores the result into a block, a paragraph, a line, a word and characters. This method is based on a dynamic programming approach, established by Louisa Kessi.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)~GdPicture14_namespace